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Quality Tourism Label

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In July 2016, after a year and a half of work, the Cœur de Nacre Tourist Office obtained the Quality Tourism Label.
The Courseulles-sur-mer Tourist Office obtained the Quality Tourism Label in November 2016 before merging with Cœur de Nacre in January 2017.
The whole team is committed to the optimisation of the services provided, the improvement the quality of the reception arrangements and the standardisation of the working methods at all three tourist information offices. We respond to National Quality Commitments.
The quality of the reception arrangements are controlled by indicators (such as customer surveys, suggestions sheets, etc.) which are frequently analysed and studied by a local working group in order to put in place corrective measures to constantly improve the quality of services.

Category 1

The Cœur de Nacre Tourist Office is classed in Category 1 as of August 2016

Below is the list of commitments needed in order to best meet the necessary expectations:

  • Have easily accessible reception and information areas.
  • Facilitate your procedures.
  • Provide furniture for a comfortable seating area.
  • Inform on the local tourism offer, for free.
  • Display opening hours in at least two foreign languages.
  • Offer access to free Wi-Fi.
  • Be open at least 305 days a year, including on Saturdays and Sundays during the tourist and high season.
  • Reply to your mail year round.
  • Provide a permanent reception service run by staff able to speak at least two
  • foreign languages.
  • Ensure the provision of paper tourist maps and guides.
  • Provide a website available in at least three languages and which accessible on all major devices.
  • Supply paper tourist information which is translated into at least two foreign languages relative to:
    • all classified tourist accommodation containing at the very least the name of the establishment, the postal address, the email address, the website, the telephone number, the classification level;
    • monuments and cultural, natural or recreational tourist sites which include the entry fees, opening hours, the website, the telephone number and the postal information;
    • events and activities;
    • emergency phone numbers.
  • Update tourist information annually.
  • Display emergency phone numbers on the outside of the building.
  • Present all the qualified offer of the area for all type of clientele.
  • Give access to the consultation of classified accommodation availabilities.
  • Take in your complaints and make the appropriate changes if needed and measure your customer satisfaction levels.
  • Offer a tourist information service which integrates new information and communication technologies (social networks, mobile phones, geo-tracking, etc.).
  • Respect the Quality Tourism Label requirements.
  • Have reception staff at your disposal.
  • Guarantee the reliability and timeliness of information on the local tourist offer.

Tourism and Disability

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We are pleased to announce that we have been awarded the Tourism and Disability mark for some of our tourist offices in October 2016.

Courseulles-sur-mer tourist office is currently being marked.

For more information and details of our Tourism and Disability marked offices we invite you to visit the Accessibility section.

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