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How about exploring the emancipatory potential of writing?

On Friday April 04, 2025, Isabelle Aureau invites you to a writing workshop on the theme of "Resistance".

"Resist! Prove that you exist" goes a famous song. But what exactly is it in us that resists? How can we turn language into an act of resistance and affirmation? What if resisting were above all an act of survival and hope?

In this workshop, writing will be seen as a gesture of freedom, both in form and content. You'll flout conventions and shackles. You'll step outside the box to broaden your horizons of thought and action.

The workshop will take place on Friday April 04, 2025 from 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm / 10 pm (end time may vary slightly) in the warm setting of the bookshop Le Garage Hermétique in Luc-sur-mer.

Places are limited, so please register by emailing

Come as you are, with pen and paper. No previous writing experience, no pretentiousness or literary knowledge is necessary to take part in this workshop.

Opening hours

  • the 04 april 2025 from 19:30 to 22:00 and from 19:30 to 22:00


Base rate : 20,00€

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