
Cultivating links between generations

Unis?Son is an event where music brings together all generations. Come and enjoy a moment of sharing to the rhythm of the group Cocktail Passion.

The event is open to all, whether you come alone, with your partner, family or friends. A snack is also provided for all participants.

Rendezvous on Saturday, September 28 at 2.30pm, Salle de l'Édit.

Reserved for Courseullais residents and offered by the Centre Communal d?Action Sociale.

How to register? Please register by September 20 at the Centre Social de Courseulles-sur-Mer, 4 rue Arthur Leduc. ?? Don't forget your proof of address.

Opening hours

  • the 28 september 2024 from 14:30


Contact / Find

  • Address: Salle de l'Edit, Allée de l'Édit, 14470 COURSEULLES-SUR-MER
  • Phone:
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