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A candy from Normandy with a taste of childhood

The must-try candy of Luc-sur-Mer

When you’re on the Côte de Nacre, you absolutely must try Gui-Gui, the 100% gourmet delicacy and star candy from the Côte de Nacre.

It’s best enjoyed wrapped around a small wooden stick.

Sitting in the brand-new Place du Petit Enfer, or strolling along the waterfront, it’s up to you.

Single, double or triple taste, it’s up to you!

Grandparents have introduced their children to Gui-Gui, who in turn have introduced their children to it… this candy that has survived the decades is still appreciated by all ages.

An ancestral recipe that is still popular

Mr Gros opened his first Mistletoe shop in Luc-sur-mer in 1906. At the time, the front was made of wood.

This candy is inspired by the marshmallow found at fairs.

This is how Mr Gros created the recipe for Mistletoe and jealously guarded it for himself and his descendants.

They are the ones who have kept the little store going decade after decade.

Other shops also flourish in Courseulles-sur-Mer, Luc-sur-mer and Langrune-sur-Mer.

The ancestral recipe of the drawn sugar, as well as the shop, were sold to the Crochard family in the 1970s.

It was from Mr. Crochard that Sam and Jordy, the current owners since 2014, learned the art of preparing a good Gui-Gui.

The small boutique has given way to a beautiful store facing the sea on Place du Petit Enfer.

The latter was completely renovated in 2021.

A natural candy

Anxious to get as close as possible to the taste of the Mistletoe of yesteryear; Sam and Jordy use natural sugar and flavours.

Their Mistletoe is made on site.

Strawberry, cola, banana, apple, mint, a total of 30 flavours are offered according to the season and the duo’s desires. You will also find pancakes, waffles and other delicacies.

 It takes at least forty-five minutes to make a block in which 70 to 80 Gui-Gui are made. The sugar is first cooked.

Then it is cooled and the flavourings are added. Then comes the most complex phase: the bleaching of the sugar.

The sugar strands are stretched out for many minutes until they become white. Up to three flavours can be mixed on one stick.


La Gui-Gui a star candy from the Côte de Nacre, for a a vacation memory from his childhood…

Less smelly than Camembert in your suitcases, the Gui-Gui can now be brought back as a holiday souvenir ! You can then store it in the fridge or freezer.

Are you staying in Saint-Aubin-sur-mer ?

Right next to the Charleston restaurant, on the sea wall, you will find a very small shop that also sells the Gui-Gui.

La Gui-Gui de Luc


    Mistletoe of Luc. This is where you can find the "real Mistletoe". Without doubt one of the greatest local pride […]

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