Our team is on hand to help you before, during and after your stay in the Coeur de Nacre.

Not satisfied with your stay? Fill in our online complaints form to let us know what you think.

Claims form

Please do not hesitate to contact us using this complaints form. Your satisfaction is at the heart of our priorities, and we are here to listen. We undertake to take your complaint into account and to pass it on to the service provider(s) and/or organisation(s) concerned. To receive confirmation and a reply, don't forget to leave us your e-mail address.

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Your complaint concerns
If your complaint does not concern the Tourist Office directly, have you reported the problem to another party (the service provider concerned, the town hall, the gendarmerie, the fraud squad, etc.)?
Max. file size: 64 MB.
Full name
DD slash MM slash YYYY
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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